16 March 2020
COVID-19 - A Special Message from the College Principal for Parents and Carers
Dear Parents and Carers
I am writing to further update you on the changing situation in response to COVID-19.
Mass Gatherings
As you would be aware, the Australian Government has announced that all organised, non-essential mass gatherings attended by more than 500 people must be cancelled from Monday 16 March 2020.
While the announcement was very clear this does not apply to schools, and that there is no need for mass school closures, it does include activities such as school fetes, fairs, concerts and the like where they involve more than 500 people. Therefore, there will be no school parades for P-2, 3-6 or Secondary full-school parades until further notice. We have also postponed the Primary and Secondary Harmony Day activities that were scheduled for this week, and the Secondary Swimming Carnival that was to be held this Friday.
Our school is in the process of reviewing our forward activity schedule and will postpone our participation in any activities that meet this criteria until further notice.
As our response to COVID-19 is all about containment, I continue to ask all families to pay extra attention to health and hygiene measures employed at home with your children, particularly the use of soap and, if soap is not available, hand sanitiser. You can be assured we are reinforcing this message at school.
These directions are all about supporting a national effort to contain and slow the spread of COVID-19. Each one of us, and our school, play a vital role in this effort and I ask for your continued support in this containment effort. Students must not attend school if they are unwell.
International Travel
I also draw your attention to the Australian Government's announcement that all people arriving in Australia must now self-isolate for 14 days on their arrival back to Australia. The Department of Education banned all staff and student international school travel last week – this ban now also includes any travel to New Zealand.
Continuity of Teaching and Learning
As the COVID-19 situation evolves, our school continues to prepare for continuity of learning and teaching.
The Department of Education has many resources available to us and our teachers will seek to minimise any disruption to student learning should our school be impacted by the virus.
Ongoing Planning
As we have already seen across the world, this situation is likely to continue for some time and is evolving. As such, as a school and as a community, we must all prepare over the short, medium and long term.
I ask that you continue to take all necessary local actions to support your child's, and the school's, health and hygiene and act in a protective and preventative manner to help limit the spread of coronavirus.
I will continue to provide communication as Australia's response to COVID-19 evolves. Thank you for your vigilance in helping us manage this public health issue.

Bruce Houghton
College Principal