
Health and wellbeing


​Bentley Park College takes advice from Queensland Health and all the latest health information is on the Queensland Health website. Parents/carers are keep their student at home if they are sick and advise the College by SMS 0426 305 969, voicemail 07 4040 8160 or email.

The Department of Education works actively to support students' health and wellbeing in schools. If you are concerned about your child's wellbeing, you can contact the College to ask what additional support might be available. Support is also available through a number of Queensland Government agencies and community organisations.

The Queensland Government's website has a page, Your Mental Wellbeing, with information on services and organisations to support those struggling with mental health. 

Kids Help Line provides information and support to children and young people aged from five to 25 and their parents and carers on the anxiety they may be experiencing. Their phone number is 1800 551 800.

Parents and carers can call 13Health (13 43 25 84) at any time for practical medical advice and assistance and can also contact Lifeline Australia's telephone counselling service on 13 11 14 for information and advice or obtain help and information from a local General Practitioner or Community Health Centre.

The Resilience Project (TRP)

The Resilience Project (TRP) delivers emotionally engaging programs to schools, sports clubs and businesses, providing practical, evidence-based mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness.  The program is used in over 1000 schools and over 500 workplaces and is embedded into the P-12 curriculum at Bentley Park College.

Students engage in weekly activities and discussions around TRP's GEM priorities - Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness, as well as Emotional Literacy, as they are foundational contributors to positive mental health. More information is available on the TRP website.​


It is important to remember stay safe online as well as in our community. The Australian Government's eSafety Commissioner website has tips on how to stay safe online and is updated daily.

Administering Medication at School

There are permission forms/record sheets for the administering of medication and it is essential these are completed for all students requiring, or potentially requiring, medication. If your student requires medication, please complete a form or forms and return to the College. If they require multiple medications, a separate form must be completed for each.

There are two different forms - Administration of medication at school record sheet (routine/short-term medication); and Administration of medication at school record sheet (emergency medication).

All medication containers must have a valid pharmacy label, which includes the name of the prescribing health practitioner, to confirm it is prescription medication. The pharmacy label instructions must match Section 1 of the form.

Sick Bay

The Primary and Secondary Administration offices each have a sick bay. If a student is feeling unwell they are to advise their teacher, who writes a note/out of class pass for the student to take to sick bay. The sick bay attendant will then phone the parent/carer to collect the student. Students are not to phone their parent/carer themselves to collect them and must first present to sick bay. 

Last reviewed 01 February 2024
Last updated 01 February 2024