
Resource scheme



​The Student Resource Scheme (SRS) is a user‐charging scheme operated by schools to provide parents/carers with a mechanism to access individual student resources that are not funded by the government. It is for students in Prep to Year 12 and is invoiced at the end of each year for the following school year.  

​Government funding for schools does not extend to individual student resources and equipment for their personal use or consumption. Supply of these items, such as textbooks and personal laptops/iPads, is the responsibility of the parent/carer.

The objective of the scheme is to provide parents/carers a convenient and cost‐effective alternative to individual supply of resources for their students. Participation in the SRS is optional, and no obligation is placed on a parent/carer to participate.

Terms and conditions for participating in the scheme are provided on the reverse side of the Student Resource Scheme Participation Agreement Form. Information is also provided on the Textbook and Resource Allowance (TRA) where applicable.

This Participation Agreement Form applies for the duration of a student’s enrolment at the school, however parents/carers who are participating in the scheme can choose to opt out from the SRS in future years by completing a new Participation Agreement Form. Any new Participation Agreement Form submitted annually and received by the school will supersede the previous form lodged.

Parents/carers pay the annual participation fee in accordance with the selected payment arrangement. If a student joins the school mid‐year, a pro‐rata participation fee may apply.

Parents/carers not participating in the scheme must provide their student with all items that would otherwise be provided by the scheme as detailed in the information provided by the school. Parents/carers can choose to join the SRS in future years by completing a new Participation Agreement Form.

To assist schools in managing and administering the scheme, parents/carers are requested to complete the Participation section of the form and return it to the school.

If parents/carers have not completed and returned the form before the due date indicated by the school in the SRS Annual Parent/Carer Information documents, the school will take the view that the parent/carer does not wish to participate.

Participating in the SRS

Participation in the SRS requires either making a full payment at the time of lodging of the Participation Agreement Form, or a payment plan being entered into with regular payments to finalise the plan to be paid by the end of the first semester of the school year. All payment plans require $75 per student to activate them.

What does the SRS include and what do I need to purchase?

Complete lists of what the SRS provides for each year level, as well as the stationery parents/carers are required to purchase, is available at the links below. Please ensure your child/ren have all items on the lists on the first day of school to ensure they have a smooth start to the year.

The SRS information, subject fees and stationery lists below have been updated for the new school year in 2025.

SRS Forms

Stationery and Subject Fees

Government funding for schools does not extend to individual student resources and equipment for their personal use or consumption and parents/carers are required to provide specific stationery for their child as listed below. These are still current for the 2024 school year, and will be updated soon for 2025.

There are also additional fees for some subjects in Years 8 to 12 which are invoiced each February. ​These are included on the Year 8-12 lists.

This is in addition to participating in the Student Resource Scheme (SRS) (or alternatively providing their child will all resources required as part of the SRS). 

PRIMARY - Prep to Year 6

  • Stationery is to be provided by parents/carers for use from the first day of school.
  • For your convenience, items are available from the P&C Uniform Shop.
  • All items are to be marked with your student’s name.
  • Do not cover exercise books as teachers will be applying a subject coversheet.
  • All brand names are preferred but not mandatory.
  • The 'Fees and Stationery Lists' below indicate SRS fees for each year level, and the stationery parents/carers are to provide for their students. 

Prep Fees and Stationery List (199 KB)

Prep Stationery Examples (229 KB)

Year 1 Fees and Stationery  List (199 KB)

Year 2 Fees and Stationery  List (199 KB)

Year 3 Fees and Stationery  List (199 KB)

Year 4 Fees and Stationery  List (198 KB)

Year 5 Fees and Stationery  List (198 KB)

Year 6 Fees and Stationery  List (198 KB)

SECONDARY - Years 7 to 12

  • Stationery is to be provided by parents/carers for use from the first day of school.
  • For your convenience, items are available from the P&C Uniform Shop.
  • The 'Fees and Stationery Lists' below indicate SRS fees for each year level, and the stationery parents/carers are to provide for their students. 
  • The Year 8-12 lists also include details of subject fees, which are invoiced each February.

​Representative Eligibility​

Students need to meet financial expectations to fulfil the requirements of Representative Eligibility. This requires either full payment of SRS, subject fees and any other charges, or a deposit of $75 paid for each student and an active payment plan/Centrepay deduction in place for all owed outstanding fees, which should then be paid in full by the end of Semester 1 each year.

Some examples of activities where students need to fulfil the Financial (as well as Attendance and Behaviour) expectations of Representative Eligibility to participate are:

  • Non-curriculum events: Year 12 Formal
  • Non-curriculum excursion: Reward activities such as Lagoon excursions
  • Non-curriculum sport: Gala Days, Trinity Coast South, Peninsula and College representative Rugby League and Netball.

Our Representative Eligibility Policy has more details. 

For more information on finance and payments please contact our Business Manager Finance on 4040 8110 or email. ​

Payment Options

There are a number of payment options, with the preferred method being online through QParent/BPOINT. Other methods are BPAY, Direct Debit or Centrepay Deduction. You can also pay via EFTPOS or cash at the College Administration office or Primary Administration office.​

Payment Plans are available through our Finance Department, phone 4040 8110 email .

Payment Plan Participation Agreement forms are also available here on our website.

For more information please contact our Business Manager Finance on 4040 8110 or​ .

Last reviewed 09 October 2024
Last updated 09 October 2024