P&C Meetings for 2025:
Tuesday 11 March: Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Tuesday 11 May
Tuesday 10 June
Tuesday 15 August
Tuesday 14 October
Tuesday 24 November
Meetings are held from 7.00 pm in the Primary Library 'Fishbowl' conference room.
A Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C) is a group of community minded parents, carers and citizens who take on a formal role to assist the school in providing feedback on school policies and activities, additional resources to be used to enhance student learning and parent/carers with opportunities to be involved in their child's education.
The Bentley Park College Parents & Citizens Association (BPC P&C) works very closely with the College to encourage a strong sense of community that all our students and staff benefit from. As well as coordinating various events and fundraisers throughout the year, the P&C operate the Uniform Shop, Primary Tuckshop and Secondary Canteen.
The BPC P&C comprises a volunteer Executive Committee, including President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer as well as general volunteer P&C members. A vital sub-group of the P&C is the Instrumental Music Parent sub-committee, comprising volunteers led by a sub-committee President who support and fundraise for the Instrumental Music Program at the College.
In addition to these volunteers, the BPC P&C employs an Operations Manager to oversee the Uniform Shop and general business operations, as well as a Tuckshop Coordinator, Canteen Coordinator and kitchen staff.
Some of the support provided by the Bentley Park College P&C:
- Operating the Uniform Shop, Tuckshop and Canteen.
- Fundraising campaigns for things such facility improvement, resources and College programs.
- Coordinating annual events such as fetes, Mother's Day and Father's Day celebrations, carols nights, trivia nights and Primary discos.
- Grant writing.
- Involvement in policy decisions/development, such as behaviour and uniforms.
- Supporting the College Principal and staff.
- Attending meetings once a month to stay informed and have a say.
Joining the P&C is a great way to keep informed, to contribute to the quality education of your children and to make new friends. Research has shown that parent/carer involvement in a child's education makes a significant contribution to the child's success at school. You can also learn new skills and gain a clear understanding of how the College operates.
Your contribution can be large or small, but your ongoing support of the P&C is invaluable. Not only will you be supporting the College community, you will also be supported by the College community. Being a part of the P&C is a great opportunity to share in decision-making processes and shape the future.
Please complete a BPC P&C Membership Form and attend a P&C meeting to join!
Please contact our P&C Operations Manager on 4045 4971, 0413 286 123 or bpcpnc@bigpond.net.au for more information. Volunteers are always welcome!
You can also find the BPC P&C on Facebook.