Parent Teacher Interviews
At Bentley Park College we believe it is important that parents and carers have a clear understanding of their child's academic progress and conduct Parent Teacher Interviews each semester. These interviews between parents/carers, teachers and students provide you with the opportunity to gain a clearer picture of your child's achievements as well as finding out areas where assistance may be required.
Parent Teacher Interviews are held in our Primary and Secondary sectors in Terms 2 and 3 each year. Bookings are made online, with information on interviews sent out with report cards.
Parents and carers may arrange to speak with teachers via our Primary Administration office on 4040 8104 and Secondary Administration office on 4040 8150. Teacher email address are also on the Staff page of our website, or email
Primary Semester 1 Parent Teacher Interviews
Tuesday 6 May and Tuesday 13 May 2025, 3.15 pm to 4.45 pm.
Online bookings open Wednesday 23 April.
Secondary Semester 1 Parent Teacher Interviews
Tuesday 29 April 2025, 3.20 pm to 6.00 pm - G Block.
Online bookings open Friday 28 March.
Year 11 Enrolment Interviews
During Terms 2 and 3 focus on preparing Year 10 students to transition into Year 11. This has included careers sessions, the Year 11 subject orientation day and a Year 11 Enrolment Information Session.
The next stage in this process is for each student to attend a Year 11 Enrolment Interview with a parent/carer to go through their individual Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan and finalise their subject selections for Year 11 and 12. It is a requirement that parents/carers engage in this interview process with their student.
The Year 11 Enrolment Interviews will occur in August, dates to be confirmed, between 8.00 am and 5.00 pm in the G Block Senior Hub.
Interviews will open later in the year and will be able to be booked via (event code to be advised).