
Our staff



Current November 2024
Please click on name to email staff member


​College Principal

​​Bruce Houghton

​​40408 111

Head of School Primary

Sue Bow

​40408 104

Head of School Secondary

Stuart Edwards

​40408 111

​Deputy Principal Special Education
Paul Andrews
​40408 112
​Business Manager
Robert Blanckensee
​4040 8111
​​Deputy Principal Australian Curriculum
Carice Fehlberg
40408 104
Deputy Principal Primary Teaching and Learning
Jamie Finger
​40408 104

​Deputy Principal Primary Student Services
Emma Taylor
​40408 104
A/Deputy Principal Junior Secondary Teaching and Learning
Corey Edwards
​40408 111
Deputy Principal Junior Secondary Student Services
Tash Toohey
​40408 111
​​​Deputy Principal Senior Secondary Teaching and Learning
Brent Cibau
​40408 111
Deputy Principal  Senior Secondary Student Services
Jarrod Prakelt
​40408 111​


​Business Manager
Robert Blanckensee
​40408 111
Business Manager ​Human Resources 
Melissa Pelns
40408 156
​Business Manager Finance
Maha Rajesh
40408 110
Business Manager Facilities
Brenda Gosen
40408 133
​​Marketing Officer
Kylea Rowan
​40408 246
Enrolments Officer P-12
Lynelle Blanckensee
40408 130
Excursion Administrative Office (EAO)
LeeAnne Senior
​40408 167
College Reception
Stacey Davey
​40408 150
​College Attendance Officer (CAO)
Jourdan Fuchs
​40408 215
​Special Education Program Adminstrative Officer
Kym Barber
​40408 112​
​Special Education Program Administrative Officer (Mon, Tue)
Carol McIlwain
​40408 112
​IT Support Officer
Josh Miller
​40408 152
​IT Support Officer
Daniel Millward
​40408 152
​Project Officer Virtual Reality
Adrian Rayner
​40408 341
​VR Support Officer
Luke Christensen
​40408 341
​VR Support Officer
Delwyn McPaul
​40408 341
​Head Cleaner
Sharlene Eales
​40408 111
Peter Wilson
​40408 111


​Head of School Primary
Sue Bow
​40408 104
Deputy Principal Primary Teaching and Learning
Jamie Finger
​40408 104
​Deputy Principal Primary Student Services
Emma Taylor
​40408 104
​Deputy Principal Australian Curriculum 
Carice Fehlberg
​40408 104
Head of Department Primary 
Regan Berry
​40408 104
​Primary Administration 
Amanda Guarrera
​40408 104
​​Library Teacher Aide
Hayley Donnelly
​40408 108

​Primary Student Services

​Guidance Officer
Scott Gilmour
​40408 104
Responsible Behaviour Teacher 
Darlene Hill
​40408 219
​Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy
Nina Corbett
​40408 221
​Community Liaison Officer
Sonya Ball
​40408 232
​Student Support Officer - Pasifika
Tiki Teaurere-George
​40408 233
​Chaplain (Mon, Thu)
Rachel Kopke
​40408 233

Primary Specialist Teachers

Bev Collier
​40408 104
HPE: Prep to Year 3
Amy Keily
​40408 104
​HPE: Years 4-6
Mark Lenon
​40408 104​
​The Arts 
Sorami Ochi
​40408 104
​Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy
Nina Corbett
​40408 104

Primary Classroom Teachers

​​Prep​ ​

Teacher PA
Joanne Patane
​40408 104
Teacher ​PB
Elizabeth Keen
​40408 104
Teacher ​PC 
Karen Carman
​40408 104

​Year 1

​Teacher 1A
Nicole Nielsen 
​40408 104
Teacher 1B
Kayla James
​40408 104
Teacher 1C
April Lewis
​40408 104

​Year 2

Teacher ​2A
Glenda Ulrich
Joanne Brooks
​40408 104
Teacher ​2B 
Jessica Baker
​40408 104
​Teacher ​2C
Kira Macleod
​40408 104
​Teacher 2D
Julieanne Russell
​40408 104

Year 3

​Teacher 3A
Erin McFarlane
​40408 104​
Teacher 3B
Louie Salerno
​40408 104
Teacher ​3C
Aaron Neilson
​40408 104

​Year 4

Teacher ​4A
Michaela Porta
​40408 104
​Teacher 4B
Carla Matthews
​40408 104
​Teacher 4C
Stuart Martin
​40408 104

Year 5

Teacher ​5A
Emily Taylor
​40408 104
​Teacher 5B
Leah O'Donohue
​40408 104
​Teacher 5C
Frank Godwin
​40408 104

Year 6

Teachers 6A
Kath Walker
Shar-Ee Thomas
​40408 104
Teacher ​6B
Rebecca Carter
​40408 104
​​Teacher 6C
Byron Downes
​40408 104
​Teacher 5/6
Loretta Neill
​40408 104


​Head of School Secondary
Stuart Edwards
​​4040 8111
A/Deputy Principal Junior Secondary Teaching and Learning
Corey Edwards
​4040 8111
​​Deputy Principal Junior Secondary Student Services
Tash Toohey
​40408 111
​​Deputy Principal Senior Secondary Teaching and Learning
Brent Cibau
​4040 8111
Deputy Principal Senior Secondary Student Services
Jarrod Prakelt
​40408 111

Secondary Student Support 

​​Secondary Attendance Officer (SAO)
Chloe Schumann
​40408 203
​​Sick Bay Officer
Christina Bloomfield
​​40408 240
​Community Education Counsellor (CEC)
Will Bugden
​40408 111
​School Based  Youth Health Nurse
​​40408 111
​Responsible Behaviour Officer (RBO)
Lisa Jewell
​40408 111
​Student Support Officer
Paul Broomhall
​40408 144


A/Deputy Principal Junior Secondary Teaching and Learning
Corey Edwards
​4040 8111
​Deputy Principal Junior Secondary Student Services
Tash Toohey
​4040 8111
​Head of Department  Junior Secondary Student Services
Jay Sansness
​40408 153
​Head of Department Junior Secondary Teaching and Learning
Amanda Gower

​​40408 137
​Guidance Officer 7-9 
Nina Santolin
​40408 290
​Administrative Officer
Shaylee Dolan
​40408 204
​Youth Support Coordinator (Wed-Fri)
Zane Christian
​40408 120
​​Year 7 Coordinator
Sam Keane
​40408 169
​​Year 8 Coordinator
Year 8 Coordinator
​40408 217
​​Year 9 Coordinator
Richard Newman
​40408 217


Deputy Principal Senior Secondary Teaching and Learning
Brent Cibau
​4040 8150​
​​Deputy Principal Senior Secondary Student Services
Jarrod Prakelt
​4040 8150
​​Head of Department Senior Secondary
Stuart Hepburn
​40408 201
Guidance Officer 10-12
Sheri Mills
​​40408 209
​Administrative Officer
Andrea Tiedeman
​40408 207
​Administrative  Officer
Kerrie Hastings
​40408 214
​Youth Support Coordinator
Ange Hardy
​40408 211
​​Project Officer VET
Alyssa Smith
​40408 206
​​Transition Pathways Officer (Mon, Tue)
Zane Christian
​​40408 111
​​Year 10 Coordinator
Kynan Isokangas
​​​​40408 217
​​Year 11 Coordinator
Leon Wilcox
​40408 191
​​Year 12 Coordinator
Richard Elstone
​​40408 191


English ​

Head of Department English
Courtney Bottrill​​
​40408 217
​Teacher English
Chris Bailey
​40408 217
​​​Teacher English 
Chris Evans
​40408 217
​​​​Teacher English 
Jeremy Hillard
​40408 217​​
​​​​Teacher English
and Year 10 Coordinator 
Kynan Isokangas
​40408 217
​​​Teacher English 
Lincoln Lally
​​40408 217
​​​​Teacher English 
Xanthe Matheson
​40408 217​​
​​​​Teacher English 
Erin Moriss
​40408 217​​
​​Teacher English and
Year 9 Coordinator
Richard Newman
​40408 217​​
​​​​Teacher English 
Charmaine Rogato
​40408 217​​
​​​​Teacher English ​
Eden Tarvit
​40408 217​​


​Head of Department Humanities
Karen van Harskamp
​40408 137
​​Teacher Humanities
Helene Ciranni
​40408 178
​​​Teacher Humanities
Toni Liddiard
​40408 178
​​Teacher Humanities
Maria Slatcher
​40408 178
​​Teacher Humanities
Paris Vegelien
​40408 178


​Head of Department Maths
Lloyd Greenbury
​40408 197
T​eacher Maths
David East
​​40408 197
​T​eacher Maths
Year 12 Coordinator
Richard Elstone
​​40408 197
T​eacher Maths
Head of Department Senior Secondary
Stuart Hepburn
​​​40408 197
​​T​eacher Maths & Physics
Andrew Justus
​​40408 197
​Teacher Maths & Science
Year 7 Coordinator
Samuel Keane
​​​40408 197
Teacher Maths
Reon Mackenzie
​40408 197
​Teacher Maths & Science
Ashleigh Prior
​40408 169
​Teacher Maths
Isabel Stahl
​40408 197
​Teacher Maths
Kaaren Sweeney
​40408 197
​Teacher Maths
Leon Wilcox
​40408 197


​Head of Department Science
Kim Wilson
​40408 185
​Teacher Science
Annie Birrell
​40408 185
​Teacher Science
Richard Knox
40408 185
​Teacher Science
Raychael Findlay
​40408 185
​Teacher Science (on leave)
Steven Lesina
​40408 185
​Teacher Science
Abigail Lopez
​40408 185
​Teacher Science
Bianca Markham
​40408 185
​​Teacher Science
Jane Morgan
​​40408 185
​Teacher Science
Amanda Murphy
​40408 185
​​Teacher Science
Bruce Shepherd
​40408 185


​Head of Department ICT
Steve Johnson
​40408 252
​​Teacher ICT
Char Anderson
​40408 252
​Teacher ICT
John Burns
​40408 252
​Teacher ICT (on leave Term 4)
Robotics Coordinator
John O'Grady
​40408 252
​Teacher ICT
QSITE Head of Robotics
Chris Ryan
​40408 252

​The Arts

​Head of Department The Arts
Fiona Johnson
40408 176
​Regional Instrumental Music Coordinator
Ruth Pols-Molford
​40408 143
​​Teacher The Arts
Karen Howser
​40408 176
​​Teacher The Arts 
Rachael Fullston
​40408 176
​Teacher The Arts
Adam McCormick
​40408 176​
​​Teacher The Arts
Manuela Moro
​40408 176​
​​Teacher The Arts
Adam Nash
​40408 176
​Teacher The Arts
Ivana Nicolaou
​​40408 176
​Instrumental Music Teacher
(Woodwind, Brass, College Band)
Sophie Elston
​40408 227​​
​Instrumental Music Teacher
John Barbagallo
​40408 227
Instrumental Music Teacher
Rob Hodgetts
​​40408 227

​Design and Technologies 

A/Head of Department
Design and Technologies
(Industrial Technology and Design [ITD] and Home Economics)
Peter McDonald

40408 378
​ITD Coordinator
​40408 378
​Home Economics Coordinator
Callum Roberts
​40408 378
​​Teacher ITD
Sam Bann
​40408 378
​​Teacher ITD
Myles Chisler
​40408 378
​Teacher ITD
Ben Groves
​40408 378
​Teacher Home Economics
Tabatha Matthews
​40408 378

​Teacher Home Economics
Karyn Towne
​40408 378
​Teacher ITD
Troy Walker
​40408 378

Health and Physical Education​

A/​Head of Department Health and Physical Education 
Chris Ostwald
​40408 191
​​Teacher Health and Physical Education 
​Director of Sport
Mitchell Gardner
​40408 191

​Teacher Health and Physical Education 
Sports Coordinator
Guy Millar
​40408 191​
​Teacher Health and Physical Education 
​Rugby League Academy Coordinator
Jared Allen
​40408 191
​Teacher Health and Physical Education 
Netball Academy Coordinator
Kalika Struber
​​40408 191

​​Teacher Health and Physical Education
Football Academy Coordinator
Chris Clauss
​40408 191
​​​Teacher Health and Physical Education & Science
Akhtar Abdul Hadi
​4040 8191
​Teacher Health and Physical Education
Amie Antonello
​​​40408 191​
​Teacher Health and Physical Education
Michaela Kadlecek
​​​40408 191​
​Teacher Health and Physical Education 
York Sauvage
​40408 191
​​Teacher Health and Physical Education 
Tyson Williams
​40408 191

​STEP Program​​​

​​STEP Program Teacher
Andy Kurth
​40408 111
​STEP Program Teacher
Kyall Forster
​40408 111
​STEP Program Teacher
Nikki Symons
​40408 111

​​STEP Program Teacher
Tate Smith
​40408 111
School Support Officer STEP Program
Charmaine Moffatt
​40408 111

Clontarf Academy

Traye Hodge
​40408 187
​Operations Officer - Year 12
Andrew Hay
​40408 187
​​Operations Officer - Year 11
Noel Underwood
​40408 187
​Operations Officer - Year 10
Joel Seden
​40408 187
Operations Officer - Year 9
Kevin Rundle
​40408 187
​Operations Officer - Year 8
Lachlan Braun
​40408 187
​Operations Officer - Year 7
Alex Rogers
​40408 187

Yaburu Bulmba

​Coordinator & Year 12 Mentor
Kristin Ware
​40408 286
​Teacher Aide & Year 10/11 Mentor
Rakeisha Walker
​40408 286
​​Teacher Aide & Year 8/9 Mentor
Lynette Gee Gee
​40408 286
School Support Officer & Year 7 Mentor
Angelica Tabuai
​40408 286


Deputy Principal Special Education 
​Paul Andrews​
​40408 112
​SEP Administrative​ Officer
Kym Barber
​40408 112
​​Special Education Program Administrative Officer (Mon, Tue)
Carol McIlwain
​40408 112
​Teacher SEP
Chrystal Brandt
​40408 224
​Teacher SEP (Mon, Tue, Thu)
Elaine Crowther
​40408 112
Teacher SEP
Heather Denman
​40408 269
​Teacher SEP
Maria Holt
​40408 268
​Teacher SEP
Michelle Lehmann
​40408 224
​Teacher SEP
Catrina Lindsay
​40408 112
​Teacher SEP
Donna Mullaly
​40408 112
​Teacher SEP
Sarah Pederson
​40408 224
​​Teacher SEP
Sarah Raikabo
​40408 293
​Teacher SEP
Don Wdowiak
​40408 112


P&C Operations Manager and Uniform Shop
Andrea Barnard
​40454 971
0413 286 123
​Primary Tuckshop 
Miwa Freeland
​40408 123
​Secondary Canteen
Genelle Patteson
​40408 147

Last reviewed 13 December 2024
Last updated 13 December 2024