The Bentley Park College Sports Academy comprises the HPE Excellence Program, Rugby League Academy, Netball Academy and Football Academy, which links to Brisbane Roar FC and Southside Comets FC. The advantage of a P-12 College is that all students have access to specialist teachers and coaches in these areas.
Annual sporting events for all students include Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals. The College has four sports houses named after local reefs with sea creature mascots – the Arlington Marlins (blue), the Euston Tiger Sharks (yellow), the Onyx Octopuses (red) and the Upolu Crocodiles (green).
Students aged 10 and up also have the opportunity to trial for Trinity Coast South (TCS) district sports teams, which can lead to Peninsula, State and National representation.
The College also has relationships with many community sporting groups to provide links to both on-campus and off-campus sporting opportunities.
Other sporting opportunities are provided through the Enrichment@Bentley program and events such as Gala Sports Days and regional competitions. In 2024, our Senior Secondary students have the opportunity to compete in CISSA.