Bentley Park College is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 30902) currently registered to deliver the following qualifications:
- FSK20119 - Certificate II in Skills for Work and
Vocational Pathways
Other qualifications delivered at Bentley Park College by external Registered Training Organisations (RTO):
- HLT23221 – Certificate II in Health Support Services is currently being delivered in partnership with Connect n Grow (RTO Code: 40518)
- HLT33115 – Certificate III in Health Services Assistance is currently being delivered in partnership with Connect n Grow (RTO Code: 40518)
- Dual Qualification – SIS30122 & SIS20122 – Certificate III in Sport, Aquatica & Recreation + Certificate II in Sport & Recreation currently being delivered in partnership with Binnacle Training (RTO Code: 31319)
- AUR20420 – Certificate II in Automotive electrical Technology currently being delivered in partnership with Work Skills (RTO Code 31384)
- SIS20115 – Certificate II in Sport and Recreation is currently being delivered in partnership with Binnacle Training (RTO Code: 31319)
Note: Bentley Park College students are also given opportunities to enrol in a range of external programs delivered by external training providers and run off campus. In this instance, it is the responsibility of parents/carers/students to transport themselves to and from these locations.
All courses are delivered by qualified staff awarded a TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessing, and who possess current industry skills.
This information is correct at time of publication, but is subject to change.
School to work opportunities
Work experience or structured workplace learning is offered widely to students in Years 10, 11 and 12. This valuable activity can result in our students being offered an opportunity for a School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SAT).
All School-based Apprentices or Trainees must continue to meet the requirements of the school code of behaviour and strive for continual improvement in education. This is achieved through regular mentoring and support from staff.
Prior to a student signing into a contract to commence a School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship, lengthy discussions are held regarding employment and training pathways and the benefits in relation to the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).
For further information regarding School-based Apprenticeships or Traineeships please refer to our Industry Liaison Officer in the G Block Senior Hub.
Unique student identifiers (USIs)
All students undertaking a Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification at the school or through an external Registered Training Organisation (RTO) must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI).
Without a USI, RTOs cannot award a qualification to a student. To create a USI, students require a piece of formal identification, ideally an Australian birth certificate or drivers' licence.
For more information visit:
Bentley Park College Careers Website
The College has a Careers website, with the aim being to provide students will all the latest information to help make decisions about future careers and life beyond school. The site can be used to locate university, TAFE and other courses across Australia, to get information about the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), search for job vacancies and much more.