In an increasingly complex, sedentary and rapidly changing world it is critical for every young Australian to not only be able to cope with life's challenges but also to flourish as healthy, safe and active citizens in the 21st century.
At Bentley Park College, the Health and Physical Education (HPE) curriculum focusses on the acquisition of movement skills and concepts to enable students to participate in a range of physical activities – confidently, competently and creatively. As a foundation for lifelong physical activity participation and enhanced performance, students acquire an understanding of how the body moves and develop positive attitudes towards physical activity participation. They develop an appreciation of the significance of physical activity, outdoor recreation and sport in Australian society and globally. Movement is a powerful medium for learning, through which students can practise and refine personal, behavioural, social and cognitive skills.
Through investigation and performance, the Bentley Park College HPE curriculum aims to ensure that students:
- develop the skills, knowledge, and understanding to strengthen their sense of self, and build and manage satisfying, respectful relationships
- learn to build on personal and community strengths and assets to enhance safety and wellbeing
- critique and challenge assumptions and stereotypes
- learn to navigate a range of health-related sources, services and organisations.
Sports Academy - extended programs in Junior Secondary
Within the Year 7-9 HPE curriculum, students can undertake their learning with a focus on HPE Excellence, Netball, Rugby League or Football (Soccer) as part of our Sports Academy.
This offers students the opportunity to participate in specialised programs with like-minded athletes to develop their skills, fitness and knowledge. Due to the differentiated learning and a strong link with industry, students in these programs have exposure to a range of outside providers and development officers.

View Prep to Year 10 Health and Physical Education - Year Level Plans
Prep HPE (PDF, 223.68 KB)
Year 1 & 2 HPE (PDF, 225.77 KB)
Year 3 & 4 HPE (PDF, 247.74 KB)
Year 5 & 6 HPE (PDF, 242.55 KB)
Year 7 HPE (PDF, 208.68 KB)
Year 8 HPE (PDF, 226.46 KB)
Year 9 HPE (PDF, 234.78 KB)
Year 10 HPE (PDF, 196.04 KB)