The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution, starting in the late 18th century, was a major shift from manual and agricultural economies to mechanized and industrial ones. Inventions like the steam engine revolutionized manufacturing and urbanization, creating factories and improving living standards. Yet, it also led to challenges like harsh labor conditions and wealth inequality, making it a pivotal yet complex era in history.
Cell Structure - Animals
Ever wondered what an animal looks like at a cellular level? How do its organelles differ from plants? This Cell Structure (Animals) module can help you. Take a magical scientific exploration tour through a virtual pig. Travel into ever deeper levels of its structure. As you navigate this inner space, study red and white blood cells. Visit the pig’s heart and see a muscle cell at work. Explore its brain and watch those nerve cells zoom as they do their job! An experience not to be missed!
Cell Structure - Plants
Science, Year 9
Could you tell the difference between your organelles and your cytoplasm? And what about vacuoles? This Cell Structure (Plants) module can help you. Take a magical tour, zooming through the tomato plant. Witness the depths of complexity and form. At your destination, identify the structure of a plant cell and explore the function of its parts. There’s so much more that green stuff! An experience not to be missed!
The Vikings
History, Year 8
Stand in a Viking trading ship. Study its built-for-purpose design and compare it with the longboat you can see just across the water. Study maps of Viking expansion, settlement and conquest, seeing the differences and asking why. Pick up and rotate Viking weapons, shields and artefacts. Study Viking symbols and reflect on their use and meaning.
Ancient China
History, Year 7
View a 3-D scan of the Great Wall of China. Examine close-up real images showing its construction, dimensions and impact on the environment of China, then and now. View the Terracotta Warriors. See the uniqueness of individual features, their weaponry, their horses and chariots.
Art 360
Years 7 & 8
We live in a 3-D experience. Using the digital technologies that are so much part of our lives today, explore the virtual planets. Explore the elements that have transformed it into an evocative and mysterious place. Let your mind and imagination run free as you create your own virtual art.
World War I
History, Year 9
Find yourself standing in a World War I trench. Hear the screaming of aircraft flying overhead, shrapnel scattering above your head. See the harsh surroundings, no comfort or relief. Study the real images of soldiers huddled close. Read their letters sent home from the Front. Examine tanks and weaponry and wonder how they might be used. Read the stark cost of war, the data on death and injury suffered by nations around the world.

Cyber Security
Digital Technology, Year 7-8
Phishing, Scamming, Uploading, Hacking, Bullying! What an online minefield! So many risks and threats, yet such a wonderful resource for our modern world. This module takes you through the pitfalls that await the uninformed. Find out how to safely enjoy your online experience - Learn about the ways to detect the dangers and the practical steps that can be taken to avoid them.
Medieval Europe (c.590–c.1500)
Year 8
With so many games, movies and TV shows representing the Medieval world, it’s hard to know what is fiction and what is fact! What we do know is that this was a time of incredible change. In this module, explore the world of knights, castles, crusades and monasteries. Reflect on the horrors of the Black Death. Learn how this period shaped our world today.
May the force be with you! Check out the gravitational force on Earth. How do the objects behave when they’re hit with the tennis ball? Check out the Moon’s gravity – what’s the difference? Try out the different planets and check the results. See the power and influence of gravity.
Biomes & Food Security
Geography, Year 9
Our world is faced with many challenges. We hear about the impacts of climate change, a complex and confronting danger. However, each day, the vast majority of the world's population asks a simple but terrifying question. Will they have enough food to feed themselves and their families just for today? This module investigates the links between the ways that human beings have altered the biomes of our natural world and the impact that these changes have on our capacity to feed the billions of people who inhabit this planet, now and into the future.
How many times have people sung that famous Australian song 'Waltzing Matilda' without understanding a single word of it! How does knowing the meaning of words such as 'swagman', ‘billabong‘ and 'jumbuck' help us appreciate Australian poetry? How is our understanding of history enhanced by having a sense of what life might have been like in those times? This module is a virtual visit to the Australian outback as it was over a hundred years ago - a chance to experience the sights, sounds and environment of a bygone age.
Welding Workshop
INTAD Years 11 & 12
What a wonderful tool VR is! Welcome to the virtual fabrication workshop. No risk! No waste! No failure! Just keep going and watch your welding skills improve!
Speculative Fiction
English, Year 8-9
Imagine you could travel, not just to different places, but to different times! Where would you go? Take a journey to the age of dinosaurs? Travel into a future ravaged by war and destruction? Or perhaps, visit a laboratory dominated by row upon row of clones! Ask the ‘What if …’ question and let your mind roam the possibilities.
Structural Solutions
Design Technology, Year 7-8
Can we build it? Yes, we can! BUT will our bridge stand or will it fall when pressures are exerted upon it? In this module, we put our engineering hats on to design a bridge that will do what it is intended to do. What is the purpose of the bridge? What loads will it need to carry? What materials and components will work best? Build the best bridge you can, within budget and load-carrying requirements. Get it right and your bridge will stand. Get it wrong and watch it collapse in a spectacular way.
Empathy and Ethical Decision Making
HPE, Year 10
This module explores the importance of empathy and ethical decision-making in building healthy relationships. Work through a scenario, make your choices and evaluate the quality of your decision-making processes.
Ancient Rome
History, Year 7
Journey to Ancient Rome – a place that inspires a sense of awe even in today’s modern world. Be surprised! Rome – the birthplace of fast food, apartment living, plumbing, engineering, central heating, road building, exploration, technology, military prowess and metropolitan city life. Yes, and even public toilets!
Earth and Space Sciences
Science, Year 7
Push the Moon around space to see its different phases. What’s the difference between a partial and total eclipse? Easy to find out - simply move the moon around the Earth’s orbit. Move the Earth around the Sun to see the seasons. Use your observational powers to work out why seasons are different in the northern and southern hemispheres. Study seasonal calendars for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and appreciate their significance for these communities. View the relative size of the Sun, Moon, Earth and Planets and the vast distances between.
Food Chains & Food Webs
Science, Year 7
What eats what? Challenge your knowledge of the natural world. Choose plants and animals from the expansive array; food producer or consumer? Click them into the food chain and check your solution. Missed the mark? Try again until you see that big green tick. Use your data to name the environment.
Measurement & Geometry: Shape
Mathematics, Year 7
Take up the Cubic Challenge. Construct a 3-D model from 2-D images. Walk around your work. Check it for accuracy and try again. Success achieved? Take the next level and test your prowess again and again. Can you reach the heights of Expert Level 20?
World War II
History, Year 10
For the second time, the world was at war! Explore the events, experiences and impact of a war that dominated lives for a terrible six years. Hear the terrifying sound of the Doodlebug bomb and examine the images that so clearly represent the suffering of ordinary people. See real news footage of Hitler, the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the unimaginable effects of the Atomic Bomb. Explore Australia’s special contribution to fighting a war that changed history.
Food & Nutrition
Health & Physical Education, Year 7
What food choices might a person make each day? Healthy or unhealthy? Let’s find out. Choose a profile. Slide the expansive array of foods. Select foods that are likely to be part of a daily diet. Check the nutrient gauges. Is the arrow in the healthy green zone or the unhealthy red zone, choose again and keep choosing until you’ve found the happy healthy greenest choice.
Stand before the orchestra. Did you know that it has families? Click and play! Check out the collective and individual sounds of the instruments. Name the family. Describe the timbres. Imagine that you are the conductor. Take your place in the orchestra and listen to the wonderful music.
Put on your atomic thinking cap. Use the building blocks of protons, neutrons and electrons to make an element. Is it stable? Keep trying until the element names itself. Locate your element on the blank periodic table. Find its classification group and check out its properties.
The Holocaust
History, Year 10-12
Reflect on the terrible reality of mass extermination of a whole people. Walk around Auschwitz, a place built for death. Consider each building and its terrible purpose. Imagine the horror in an unimaginable place.
Digital Networks
Digital Technology, Years 7 & 8
How does our mobile phone work? What about our TV? How exactly does that aeroplane communicate when it’s flying? This module examines the different digital networks that makes technology such a vital and necessary part of our lives.
Explore virtual scenes based on real events from the Kokoda Campaign. Journey through the battles, the dangers and the hostile environment that took so many lives. Imagine the terrible conditions and risks which were daily faced by the Aussie troops. These were men whose courage, endurance, mateship and sacrifice would go on to ensure the safety of mainland Australia.
English Writing: Narrative
English, Year 7-9
Explore an incredible fantasy world of your choosing. Or why not leap into a Science Fiction world from an outer galaxy? Take an adventure of your choice and weigh the risks. Choose your genre. Choose your story. Let your imagination run free! Who is there? Why? What are they doing? What can you see, feel, hear, touch, smell? Write your story. It will be unique. It will be special. It will be YOURS!
Science, Year 11

Explore the wonders of Chemistry. Dive into atomic theory and quantum mechanics. Visualize complex molecules in a way not possible in the classroom, in a text or in a video. These have their place but let VR open your mind to an understanding of chemistry in a whole new way.
Statistics & Probability
Mathematics, Year 7

Watch the AI robots navigate the maze. Change the pathway and predict the winner. How did the robot find the way home? How long did it take? Change it again and note the difference. Try the random option for an automatic adjustment to the maze. How many times did you successfully predict the robot’s outcome?
Science, Year 7

Classify insects, arachnids, amphibians, reptiles, birds and more into their respective species and families. Walk around and study the magnified animals. Discover the distinctive differences between the texture of their skin, the shape of their fangs, their number of eyes and legs, and wonder why these difference matter.
Cubic Area
Mathematics, Year 7
What an expensive mess it would be if we had no understanding of area! Imagine building a house that couldn’t fit on the block. Or laying out bathroom tiles by guessing the number needed. In our ordinary lives, skills in calculating area is so important. It’s maths-in-action for everyday life!
Cubic Volume
Mathematics, Year 7

Use cubic units to calculate the volume of a three-dimensional object. Change the shape but use the same number of cubes. How many different shapes can you make?
Cubic Surface Area
Mathematics, Year 7

How much paint is needed to decorate your room? How much paper will be needed to cover that birthday gift? The answers will be determined by calculating surface area. In this module, you will be given a number of cubic 3-D shapes. How will you find the surface area of each? Calculate and check your answer!
Japanese Language & Culture (Under Construction)
Languages, Year 7-8

Step into the serenity of a Japanese house. Glimpse the beauty and tranquillity of the gardens and wonder at the clarity of the reflections on the pool. Click and meet Sushi Chef and purchase virtual sushi products. Hear the welcome and reply. Explore his shop, its displays, menus and art. Your virtual journey to Japan has just begun!
Elizabethan Theatre (Under Construction)
English, Year 10

Enjoy a good movie? Maybe a live show? Or maybe you prefer the often-predictable soap opera! For the citizens of Elizabethan England, people - rich and poor, educated and uneducated, flocked to see the latest plot unfold on stage. Theatre was their portal into a world of drama, revenge, romance, tragedy and comedy. Let VR take you there - into in their world of entertainment.